Tropical Flight

Forever Green

Pictured above are Ibises in flight… other-wise known as “Florida Chickens”. They were most bountiful here, but because of loss of habitat their numbers have dwindled considerably. They can be found where ever there is water. Even if there is just a puddle of water, you will usually see a beautiful white bird.

Other Tropicbirds are slender white birds of tropical oceans, with exceptionally long central tail feathers. Their long wings have black markings, as does the head. There are three species world wide, three North American species, and two Florida species.

Here in Florida we have many coastal seabirds include Gulls, Terns, Kittiwakes and Skimmers as well as others that plunge-dive for fish like Gannets, Boobies, Pelicans, Cormorants and Darters.

The most spectacular of large sea-birds usually found over the Florida tropical ocean are the Frigatebirds that do not swim or walk, and cannot take off from a flat surface but having the largest wingspan to body weight ratio of any bird; they are essentially aerial, able to stay aloft for more than a week. There are five Frigatebird species worldwide, three North American species, and one Florida species.

As well, wading birds are a favorite of photographers like the Flamingoes, Bitterns, Herons, Egrets, Storks, Spoonbills, Cranes, Stilts and Avocets which abound although many are considered on the endangered species list.

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Description of the project

The project is centered in the design and experimentation of a model of Interpretation of the environmental and cultural patrimony of the micro basin of the River Jurumbaino, Amazonic Region of Ecuador. All the performances pursue the local development of the area through an educational and recreational offer of quality that allows making compatible the preservation of the environmental resources and its use like resource of tourist attraction. The active implication of the community is, at the same time, an objective and a fundamental methodological element in the development of the project. The proposal also has as specific objective to foment the defense and conservation of the biodiversity implementing education stocks and sensitization of school and educational of the educational centers of the Canton Morona.

Project includes in the constructive part an INTERPRETATION CENTER over a property of ATASIM of 7.151 m2:

This center has 1 main building of 420 m2 finished and financed by Italian Ministry of External Relationships through the ONG CESTAS affect to the Project Integral Development that concludes in October of the 2011. It is had the due authorization (it photocopies enclosed); and 1 additional module of 273,49 m2 like second plant built over the first existent plant; it second floor costs 60.000 euros.

In this Center will be implemented for housing-refuge ecoturístic-solidary-scientific dedicated for investigating visitors, specialists, professionals, students, educational institutions, and public in general can find a space from which you/they develop their investigations and works.

These two infrastructures will already unite to the Audiovisual Center of 300 m2 built with resources of the Aecid (convocation 2007 refª 07-PRI-223 “Environmental Education for the protection of the basins of the rivers and Amazon forests of Morona Santiago by means of the implementation of a Center of Diffusion and Formation in the Municipality of Morona, Ecuador “) where the room of environmental and cultural interpretation will be implemented with visual material with data and images about its biodiversity and the life of the towns.

With all these information, the Center has for well of to make aware the public and to teach him which the importance of the conservation of the Amazon biodiversity for the Ecuador and for the world. The construction of the Center will also allow that the Community of San Isidro strengthens its objectives of becoming an eco tourism center attracting the visitors and generating new employment sources linked to the sector. The visit will be promoted of school and community to the Center to who you/they will be offered formation in topics of environmental and cultural education. The center has a permanent exhibition and it is negotiated by a technician that, besides assisting the visitor, it also picks up outstanding information for the pursuit of the project with the intention of constituting a place physical view referential, interpretation and learning on the Natural and Cultural Patrimony of the Region.

The beneficiaries of the project are 755 inhabitants of San Isidro ; and indirectly 17.267 inhabitants of t River Blanco, Proaño and San Isidro of the Canton Morona as well as 28.818 inhabitants of the Canton Morona in Morona-Santiago’s Province , Ecuador

Costs estimated for this Project are: 85.000 euros( includen education for preserve amazonic foresta with children)+ 40.000 euros for 22 hectare acquisiction in amazonic region.TOTAL = 125.000 EUROS

More Information

Danilo Tayopanta



Hola Danilo… thank you for your information and informing us of the problems and good deeds in Ecuador. I have reviewed your web presence and your work is worthy of fulfilling. I will pass your link along to our friends in the field of conservation and environmental education. You are correct that the responsibility of protecting and supporting the vulnerable amongst us es la responsabilidad de todos! Bien hecho, amigo humanitariano.