Florida’s Coral Reefs

Florida's Coral Reef

Experts warn of extinction threat to world’s coral reefs by 2050…

In July summer is in full swing and the water is the perfect temperature for scuba diving and snorkeling and fishing on Florida’s coral reefs.  Florida is the only continental state to have a vast range of coral reefs along its coast.

During this past week, a group of 39 leading coral experts from around the world sounded the alarm in the first-ever global assessment of coral reefs. Although Florida’s coral reefs came into existence some 5,000 years ago, they are expected to face extinction by the middle of this century – if nothing is done to save them.

The reefs are home to a vast array of sea creatures, which experts say would also be endangered by the loss of the reefs.  More than 25 percent of marine species depend upon the reefs for their survival. Humans also depend upon coral reefs.
A most valuable natural resource, coral reefs protect our Florida coasts by diminishing wave force from storms and hurricanes and provide a source of food, shelter and critical habitat for many species, including commercially important fisheries. Also, many medicines, health and beauty products derive from marine plants, algae and animals found on coral reefs.

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